Other pre-election coverage
Here is a collection of news coverage and analysis of the upcoming elections in El Salvador. In English from a variety of viewpoints: A Millennial Authoritarian Wins Over El Salvador (Mac Margolis in Bloomberg) "This weekend’s legislative elections could make President Nayib Bukele his country’s most powerful leader in a generation." The elections in El Salvador could make or break Biden’s Central America policy . (Michael Paarlberg and Ricardo J. Valencia in Washington Post) "President Nayib Bukele has been acting more and more like an authoritarian." Why El Salvador's Multi-Party System is on the Brink of Collapse (Oscar Pocasangre in El Faro) "I propose two interrelated explanations for the likely demise of Arena and the FMLN: changes in the electoral rules and the poor performance of both parties at controlling crime while getting tainted by corruption scandals." El Salvador election could remake political landscape (Marcos Aleman of AP) &qu