More on the ILEA
My post concerning the ILEA a few days ago was more of a position piece than what I usually write. To help even things out, here is a report from a visit to the ILEA by representatives of the School of the Americas Watch: VISIT TO INTERNATIONAL LAW ACADEMY (ILEA) San Salvador By SOAW/CISPES Delegation - March 21, 2007 Report written by Lisa Sullivan, SOAW Latin America Coordinator Background on visit In March 2007 a delegation of the School of Americas Watch visited El Salvador as part of the SOAW Latin America initiative. El Salvador was the twelfth country visited by an SOAW delegation, part of a series of visits to all Latin American countries that are currently sending students to the SOA. The goal of the initiative is to encourage governments to reconsider their participation at SOA and to engage local organizations in the campaign to close the school. Prior to the visit to El Salvador, members of the delegation had heard numerous concerns expressed about the new Latin Americ