Possible pension reform in El Salvador
Pensions for elderly retirees in El Salvador are available only for those workers who had the good fortune to have a job in the government or the formal economy. But a large percentage of the working population, especially women, works informally in such jobs as domestic workers. This leaves them vulnerable and entirely dependent on family when they are are no longer able to work. There is talk, and so far not much more, that El Salvador may reform its public pension system to take greater account of the needs of women. IPS reports on possible reform in an article titled El Salvador Pension Reform Could Take Women into Account : People working in the informal sector of the economy, 65 percent of whom are women, do not pay into the system and will have no right to a retirement pension, economist Julia Evelin Martínez, a researcher at the José Simeón Cañas Central American University School of Economy, told IPS..... Lawmakers did not create rules enabling people in the in