US funding elite units implicated in executions
CNN video An exclusive report from CNN this week highlights US involvement in funding elite Salvadoran anti-gang units. Those units have reputed links to extra-judicial killings of suspected gang members. The concerns over one unit were so grave that the unit was disbanded earlier this year, but the US-funded replacement unit contains members from the disgraced unit according to CNN. The CNN report opens: The United States has quietly funded and equipped elite paramilitary police officers in El Salvador who are accused of illegally executing gang members, CNN has learned. Successive US administrations have pumped tens of millions of dollars into Salvadoran law enforcement and military to shore up the government’s “Mano Dura” or Firm Hand program, first launched in 2003 but redoubled in 2014 to tackle the country’s rampant gang problem. Yet the country’s police will be broadly accused next month of “a pattern of behavior by security personnel amounting to extrajudici