El Mozote and Bill O'Reilly
Recent stories in The Nation and Huffington Post have criticized Fox News personality Bill O'Reilly , then a young TV reporter for CBS News, for his role when the US government and US mass media turned a blind eye to the 1981 massacre at El Mozote . The focus is on O'Reilley's 1982 CBS News report from Merenguera in Morazan department. Greg Grandin in The Nation describes the problem with the report : O’Reilly was sent by CBS Evening News to El Salvador. In his words, he was sent “to check out an alleged massacre in the dangerous Morazán Territory.” This had to have been the El Mozote massacre. No other massacre was being reported on in the press that would have caught the attention of CBS news editors. O’Reilly went to El Salvador. But he didn’t go to El Mozote. Instead, he went to the next town over, a fairly large municipal seat. In his memoir, O’Reilly writes: Meanguera “was leveled to the ground and fires were still smoldering. But even though th