Mauricio Funes wins historic election in El Salvador
All indications tonight are that Mauricio Funes, the former television journalist, achieved victory today in the presidential elections in El Salvador. Very early on, the election returns being reported by the media showed that the candidate of the leftist FMLN had garnered support throughout the country sending red clad FMLN supporters into the streets to celebrate and sending the conservative ARENA party to defeat for the first time in two decades. By 8:45pm El Salvador time, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal had released results showing Funes with 51.6% of the vote and Avila with 48.4%. This reflected a tally of 73% of the votes.
Funes will assume the presidency of a country with many problems. Among those problems are high levels of crime and violence and an economy that does not provide jobs sufficient to support a large percentage of Salvadoran families. He will have a divided government -- the FMLN will have a plurality in the National Assembly, with conservative ARENA and PCN having a potential majority coalition.
The country is highly polarized as a result of an election campaign which featured nonstop negative campaigning by ARENA.
I have waited many years to see what FMLN can do.
salvadorian in australia.
Thanks for being our one stop source on the elections and for running an excellent and intelligent blog! This is a special day and words can't describe the emotion that we feel. Its time to get to work and change has come to El Salvador as well!
Thank you for your excellent work...
Thank you,
A truly Sad Day for El Salvador !!!
US conservatives, business leaders, police and all the media against the FMLN. But the people of el salvador eventually WON!!!!
these elections may just as well turn out to be the best thing that can happen to el salvador, because even though it was very close and almost even, arena did eventually show the maturity to respect and accept the outcome of the elections. funes' first response was very positive, and if everyone here stops pointing fingers for a second and start acting like gentlemen, funes's election can actually unite an otherwise divided society. an applause for arena for its act of maturity, that's a great first step. congrats to funes and good luck, he as well as all of us will needed in trying to rebuild el salvador in what has become the defacto peace accords and independence day!
long live the salvadorian people!
now all you running dogs of yankee imperialism can go live in miami with the rest of that scum
worshiping the gringos....
Gosh I dont like this already.
I know this is scary. El Salvador has taken a step into uncharted territory in its history. But, it's natural. In an odd way, I am reminded of George Bush's words to the Iraqis: "You're free!" Use your freedom, exercise your democracy. This must be the greatest consolation to any person of good will who honestly supported ARENA because they believed in liberty and democracy. What good is democracy if we are afraid to exercise it. What good is democracy if you are going to end up with de facto one party rule. In a real democracy, you can choose for change, and if that change is lacking, you can change back. Of course, that remains to be seen. But, there is no need to despair. You can shed "some natural tears" -- but then you wipe them, and you move forward. The world is all before us. We are free to move about the (political) world, and if you believe in democracy, you must have that confidence, and your belief in the power of freedom and choice must be larger than your fear of change or your distrust of the other guy.
The Salvadorean people have defeated FEAR, and now they walk in faith of the new hope that is to come. The people have spoken and they have choosen to be free, and the fact that ARENA is letting the opposition rule for the first time in El Salvador's history, it's admirable.
Sophia, ARENA, PCN, PDC, you are invited to come to the table of democracy, and partake in the fruits of freedom and liberty. As brothers, and sisters of this little yet powerfull nation, you are also need it. Don't listen to the tontos of cougars, but to the fact that in a democracy, both the right and the left need to be partakers for the better of the country and tghe people!!!
Congratulations to Mauricio Funes for being the next President of El Salvador!!!