Crime statistics make slight improvement

Wally, a regular reader of this blog, pointed me to some statistics in today's LaPrensa that might be reason for a small bit of optimism on the crime front. Murders in May of 2007 were down significantly from May of 2006, and there have been 67 fewer murders in 2007 than in 2006 (1477 compared with 1544).
The National Police also released statistics which it hopes will rebut the criticism of last week's United Nations report that only 4% of murders in a large sample of cases from 2005 resulted in punishment for the perpetrators. According to the PNC figures, there were 3642 inmates in El Salvador's prisons for the crime of murder at the end of 2005, 4058 at the end of 2006, but during the first five months of 2007 the number has grown 45% to 5885. According to the PNC, if an extra 1800 people have been sent to prison for acts of homicide so far in 2007, the criticisms of lack of effectiveness in solving and punishing crime must no longer be true.
How is the government counting Salvadorans "sent to prison" for homicide?
This is a very serious issue considering the large number of Salvadorans awaiting trial in prison! The UNDP report refers to convictions, not to those awaiting trial.
Bail could help this situation. The real issue, however, is reforming the judicial system so that it can give these people fair trials in a timely manner. Add to that the need for improved police work to help separate the guilty from the innocent.
even in a motorcycle wreck, not MY fault, i went to jail santa Tecla, first under police custody in t Hospital Rosales until i was told, tube up the pee pee to check for blood, i was peeing blood when i got there; or to jail, well i took jail the gangs fed me
but true the system needs major uphaul
we will see how it is when i have several cases to go to Fiscalia when i retuen, 2 instances of "Conversion by Baylee" [look it up]
and fraud, theft and threats of death,got lots of testigos,
anyway we will see
guilty parties need to be punished, no matter how connected they are
if not, hey fish bait!
[like you miners will be if you do not leave]using cyanide and aresenic, hey that is a THREAT to my life and my "hommies" lives
fuck gold, those that wear it and those that pollute to get it
maybe Finland, or Thailand
where in Thailand,as noted before faith is healing, but not so much Catholicism, of course not where one can murder your neighbor, give the church big bucks, say your hail mary;s to some perverts in robes that guilt folks into only they are closest to GOD, and hey, you are forgiven so you teach your kids the same along with the rich inducing their sons to have sex with the maids and drink with the fathers when they are 12
faith yes, belief in God yes, starts with the commandments
and looking inward.
but remember it also starts with family, many have family problems,
and for many the gang is family
hey, machismo, descended from Spain and the Catholic faith,
that is why more folks are turning to earth based and traditional and indigenous practices
for me, best is Buddhism, the 4 noble truths attained by the eight fold path
same God, different path
la misma Dios, sendera otro
says it right there,
those few that profit, [Bush's buddies,] are the ones long involved in perpetuating this militaristic crap to make tons of money in arms trade, read the statistics
and of course need to eliminate SOA long ago
these military guy are taught to kill those not like you,
'kill the little brown skinned folks'
especially in the US that is why their mentalities are such that they are macho but no balls, without a gun
we complain of Iran sending weapons to Iraq, how about all the crap weapons the USA sends worldwide?
fight with sticks
ummm, men with no balls, but got a gun,
again not many surfers or those living in harmony with their environments
and as Rusty seems to agree with me, the Spainards/Catholics started it here in the New World, long ago
USA basically functioned as the life-line to keep this system alive after intervening to remove progressive leaders, arming the existing oligarchies to stablish a stranglehold in the countries. In every major turn of events against the majority of the Latin American community, USA is somewhere nearby. During the Slaughter, for example, USA had ships near the harbor ready to invade if the fascist government of Martinez were too soft to repress the rebellion.
But definately, one of the largest problems of LA has been that we haven't gotten rid of this caste system and that USA is always supporting the status quo, cause they want LA resources and be the only dominant force of the hemisphere, so they know that with good-nothing oligarchies and their "criollo" governments, it is only question of asking the right question... "How much?", to get governments purchased and all the mess we have. Not only this, though, one of the biggest plagues that torments the region is drug trafficking of which the oligarchies have a hand, but this net was firstly established/mantained/protected by USA to finance all the operations of destruction in the region. So now we have all this narc-network extending through the region with full US support, and for that reason Latin America sits between the biggest consumer of drugs and the biggest producer, and with the do-nothing corrupt oligarchies the whole region is in the brink of collapse. At least that is my opinion.
BTW, it is funny how shitty ass Figueroa didn't accept the PNUD claiming that it was "politically biased", but isn't this dude the same dude that goes on campaign for ARENA? Isn't this the same guy that is leader of idiology of ARENA, and that has tons to loose of he doesn't play to the beat of making Salvadoran's believe that Saca has accomplished his promises (Pais Seguro), isn't this the guy that has proven to be incompetent on handling the security problem for years now? Now, he definately is biased...
nothing last forever, peace and freedom for El Salvador