Out-going government blames violence surge on upcoming transition
With one month to go before a new president takes office, the current president of El Salvador is blaming an upsurge of gang-related killings on the impending change of government. The office of president Salvador Sánchez Cerén issued a statement asserting that police intelligence reports on the gangs had already predicted an upsurge in violence in the final two months of the current administration. The purpose of this wave of violence is allegedly twofold -- to tarnish the image of the outgoing government and its effectiveness in reducing criminal violence, and to blackmail the incoming government into a position of needing to negotiate with the gangs. The gangs purportedly want to lessen the strict control over their leaders currently in El Salvador's prisons and to reduce the level of police and military operations in gang territories.
There has been no direct response by president-elect Bukele to the statement that the gangs are attempting to blackmail his new government. Nor has Bukele given any indication who will fill the public security roles in his new cabinet.
There has been no direct response by president-elect Bukele to the statement that the gangs are attempting to blackmail his new government. Nor has Bukele given any indication who will fill the public security roles in his new cabinet.
Specifically the direct involvement of hardcore FMLN politicians (former guerrillas and commanders) who have quietly been enlisting / recruiting the gangs and gang members to be trained in guerrilla warfare.
To include using weapons and munitions cached during the war and not turned in in accordance with the Peace Accord.
These FMLN personalities, some facing possible war crimes indictments and trials, and responsible for the gutting of the FMLN as a trustworthy political party through their greed and self-enrichment, are doing all possible to subvert the new government, a government installed by popular vote.