Salvadoran public opinion at year end
The University of Central America Institute of Public Opinion (IUDOP) regularly polls Salvadorans about their views of their country and its government. This week the IUDOP released its latest poll results. Not surprisingly given recent headlines, Salvadorans are worried about crime and don't think their government is doing a good job fighting it. Here are a few selected results:
In your opinion, what is the principal problem actually facing El Salvador:
Crime/insecurity -- 60.9%
Violence -- 14.8%
Economy - 6.7%
Gangs -- 4.8%
Unemployment -- 4.6%
Poverty -- 3.7%
What is the country's situation compared to a year ago:
Worse -- 67.5%
About the same -- 28.2%
Better -- 4.3%
Are the public security policies of the government getting results:
None -- 25%
Little -- 41.7%
Some -- 21.8%
Much -- 11.4%
During the past year, how did the level of poverty change in El Salvador:
Increased -- 49.9%
About the same -- 43.2%
Diminished -- 6.9%
How do you believe the country will fare in economic terms in the coming year:
Worse -- 59.9%
Equal -- 25.4%
Better -- 11.7%
Do you believe migration of Salvadorans out of the country increased, decreased or stayed the same in the past year:
Increased -- 65.8%
Stayed the same -- 24%
Decreased -- 8.7
Due to threats or some act of violence, did someone in your household have to leave the country in the past year:
Yes -- 11.4%
Recently various protestant churches advocated for a process of dialogue with the gangs; are you in favor or opposed to a process in which government and other sectors of society open a dialogue with the gangs to look for a solution to violence:
In favor -- 39.8%
Opposed -- 59.1%
In its first year and a half, does the government of Salvador Sanchez Ceren represent a positive or a negative change for the country:
Negative -- 55.5%
Positive -- 32.6%
Neither -- 11.9%
How is Salvador Sanchez Ceren governing:
Well -- 30.1%
Badly -- 52.5%
Neither good nor bad -- 17.4%
In your opinion, what is the principal problem actually facing El Salvador:
Crime/insecurity -- 60.9%
Violence -- 14.8%
Economy - 6.7%
Gangs -- 4.8%
Unemployment -- 4.6%
Poverty -- 3.7%
What is the country's situation compared to a year ago:
Worse -- 67.5%
About the same -- 28.2%
Better -- 4.3%
Are the public security policies of the government getting results:
None -- 25%
Little -- 41.7%
Some -- 21.8%
Much -- 11.4%
During the past year, how did the level of poverty change in El Salvador:
Increased -- 49.9%
About the same -- 43.2%
Diminished -- 6.9%
How do you believe the country will fare in economic terms in the coming year:
Worse -- 59.9%
Equal -- 25.4%
Better -- 11.7%
Do you believe migration of Salvadorans out of the country increased, decreased or stayed the same in the past year:
Increased -- 65.8%
Stayed the same -- 24%
Decreased -- 8.7
Due to threats or some act of violence, did someone in your household have to leave the country in the past year:
Yes -- 11.4%
Recently various protestant churches advocated for a process of dialogue with the gangs; are you in favor or opposed to a process in which government and other sectors of society open a dialogue with the gangs to look for a solution to violence:
In favor -- 39.8%
Opposed -- 59.1%
In its first year and a half, does the government of Salvador Sanchez Ceren represent a positive or a negative change for the country:
Negative -- 55.5%
Positive -- 32.6%
Neither -- 11.9%
How is Salvador Sanchez Ceren governing:
Well -- 30.1%
Badly -- 52.5%
Neither good nor bad -- 17.4%