On Christmas Eve

With Christ, God has injected himself into history. With the birth of Christ, God’s reign is now inaugurated in human time. On this night, as every year for twenty centuries, we recall that God’s reign is now in this world and that Christ has inaugurated the fullness of time. His birth attests that God is now marching with us in history, that we do not go alone.

Humans long for peace, for justice, for a reign of divine law, for something holy, for what is far from earth’s realities. We can have such a hope, not because we ourselves are able to construct the realm of happiness that God’s holy words proclaim, but because the builder of a reign of justice, of love, and of peace is already in the midst of us.

Archbishop Oscar Romero
Christmas Day, 1977
From quotations of Oscar Romero collected in The Violence of Love.

My best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year for all the readers and friends of Tim's El Salvador Blog. May we all be part of making peace, hope and justice flourish in 2012 in El Salvador and throughout the world!


Greg said…
Merry Christmas, Tim, and a blessed and peaceful new year for all of us. Thank you for this great blog and for keeping El Salvador available to all with the touch of a key.
Tom said…
Thank you Tim - for all you do and all you are. Blessings to all on these days we celebrate the peace that could be.