March for healthy water

From the website of the NGO Crispaz:
“El Agua no se vende se cuida y se defiende,” chanted the protesters
(You do not sell water, you take care of it and defend it)

One hundred and twenty five organizations and social movements organized a protest last Friday, October 5 asking for “Blue Democracy”. Blue Democracy sums up the Salvadoran social movements’ demands for increased investment in potable water throughout the country, a study of hydric resources, and just water law that benefits the Salvadoran population and protects the resource.

In celebration of International Water Day, 30,000 people marched through the streets of San Salvador , empty water containers placed on their heads symbolizing what they do not have in access to in their communities, water. The majority of the protesters were women, as it is women and children who are left to resolve the water crisis for their families. They often rise before the sun to begin the search for water. Hauling water from the polluted rivers and creeks to drink, cook, and wash clothes and dishes.(more)

Among those in the march were former US Ambassador to El Salvador Robert White, the daughter of Robert Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, and Maryland legislator, Ana Sol Gutiérrez. For images of the protest, check out the El Faro photo gallery or La Prensa's coverage.

You can view my previous posts on the problems of potable water in El Salvador at this link.


El-Visitador said…
«El Agua no se vende se cuida y se defiende»

Actually water is sold in 933 municipalities in Spain by private company Aguas de Barcelona.

Water in Spain is as pure, abundant, and cheap as anyone could possibly dream of. Socialist principles of not selling water in El Salvador for the last 50 years have resulted in people having scarce and dirty water.

If that's what they like... I guess that's what they'll get!
Anonymous said…
The problem is due to the ARENA government making deals with private companies to repair and maintain portable water system. The companies are paid for work that they never do and the people go without water. Perhaps in Spain it is working, but not here in El Salvador.
Anonymous said…
We live in in El salvador, Spain is not my country, the problem is simple, the govertment never do anything for the people, they took the money, some deals were done and the companies never finished their contracts, and workers were send to privates residences, si o no visitador, open your eyes, we know everything........
Anonymous said…
Actually water can be sold privately in El Salvador,but If it does. it will make the 1% of the population that holds El Salvador'S resources more gritty and hostile towards the general populace.
Anonymous said…
Water is an issue in rural and urban areas in El Salvador. It affets women and young girls- they often must collect water for at least an hour daily and also haul clothes to water sources to wash. In addition to lack of safe water for households, there is also the issue of water in schools. Many young women miss school each month due to lack of water and privacy to clean themselves.