Miscellaneous news items
A collection of news items from El Salvador with no particular theme tying them together:
- El Salvador and Honduras signed a free trade agreement with Taiwan, allowing those countries to export products duty free to Taiwan.
- The Los Angeles Times published a story about war tourism in the area around Perquin in Morazan province.
- BanColomibia is completing its acquisition of the Salvadoran bank Banagricola.
- In a speech on the Day of the Soldier, President Saca announced a plan to modernize El Salvador's armed forces including the purchase of additional helicopters. Saca justified the additional spending by referring to the role of the El Salvador's armed forces in relief efforts during natural disasters as well as "a rising tide of dangerous populists" who pose an external threat to El Salvador.
- Total murders in El Salvador rose to 1154 through the end of April, an average of slightly below 10 homicides per day. January - 310, February - 268, March - 270, April - 306.