Salvadoran golf scorecards anyone?

Running a blog like this one, you get all sorts of requests. But this one is pretty unique:

I am a collector of golf club scorecards from around the world and at this point in time I have scorecards from 214 different Countries and Islands of the world in my collection including every country in the North, Central, and South America with the exception of the beautiful country of El Salvador, and after reading your blog I was wondering if it is at all possible that you could "POR FAVOR" help me to obtain a golf club scorecard from any Golf Clubs in El Salvador for my collection, as I would be honored to add this beautiful country and any golf club to my collection, I am more than willing to pay for any postage involved, I hope that I have not offended you by my unusual request, I wish you a pleasant day and thank you for your valuable time.


If any readers have a Salvadoran golf club scorecard and would like to help this Aussie out, send me an e-mail and I will link you up with him.


Anonymous said…
This reminds me of the time I came across chele surfers in July of 1990. I felt like telling them that there were awesome peaks at the Mekong Delta.
Jorge Ávalos said…
This is really funny because it's so unexpected, but I totally understand. When I was a kid (before the age of 12 in El Salvador) I was obsessed with movie monsters (Frankenstein and the Werewolf, for example) and would go out my way to collect anything that had to do with them. Since I couldn't get many things here, in El Salvador, I used to have albums to draw them. But I was able to get a lady in the U.S. embassy to get me the address for the magazine Monsters, and later I convinced a drug store owner to import it so that I could buy it. I also managed to convince movie theater operatores to give me their old monster posters. I still love those old horror movies. All of this happened before the war. Now it sounds a little creepy, but kids and collectors are similar all over the world.

I'll try to get the scorecards.