Threats to independent radio station

The owner and journalists of radio station Radio Cadena Mi Gente have reported receiving death threats since the beginning of the year. The radio station has headquarters in Virginia, and also broadcasts over the internet and on an AM station in El Salvador. The editorial stance of the station is often critical of the current government's policies. The threats have been denounced by the El Salvador journalists association, the human rights institute of University of Central America, and other civil society organizations.


Anonymous said…
It is important to add that this is the radio station that Salvadoran Sanchez Roque helped create. You may recall the Sanchez was murdered in September. Coincidence?
Anonymous said…
time for another little war in El Salvador and of course in USA
Viva La REvolucion
Anonymous said…
God, I hope not. I am afraid the next war could make the 1980s look like a picnic.
Anonymous said…
protect freedom of speech accross the universe! allow this radio station to operate, just like i want RCTV to operate again. i even think the name RADIO VENCEREMOS should be used again, just for the sake of bringing to light a basic freedom that used to be censored. forget ARENA and FMLN, what counts is the people and our dignity. long live liberty, not just in el salvador, but world wide!!!
Anonymous said…
This is just another trick of the AENACONAZI government who is behind all these threats, who can deny it? this ARENARCONAZI Toña Casaca and his death squads are in this fishy major issue.

Conclusion: let´s take all this ARENARCONAZIS out of the government, it´s time to give a try to an honest person like Mauricio Funes.

In the coming presidential elections vote for Mauricio Funes, vote FMLN.
Anonymous said…
If an FMLN candidate is elected in El Sal the US govt will go mad dog insane. The candidate would not live long if elected.

btw, RCTV is Globovision. I guess that's one thing good about crazy Chavez, he doesn't kill opposition.